"OK Hollywood" - Father John Misty & Jenny O. at TRI Studios

Josh Tillman is an American folk singer, guitarist, drummer, and songwriter, formerly in the band, Fleet Foxes.
He released his first the album 'Fear Fun' under his new moniker 'Father John Misty'. When discussing his motivations behind the creation of the name ‘Father John Misty’, Tillman paraphrases Philip Roth: ’It’s all of me and none of me, if you can’t see that, you won’t get it’. What I call it is totally arbitrary, but I like the name. You’ve got to have a name. I never got to choose mine." The album was a dramatic departure from any of Joshua's former releases. On how the album came about Joshua said: “I got into my van with enough mushrooms to choke a horse and started driving down the coast with nowhere to go. After a few weeks, I was writing a novel, which is where I finally found my narrative voice…. It was a while before that voice started manifesting in a musical way, but once I settled in the Laurel Canyon spider-shack where I’m living now, I spent months demoing all these weird-ass songs about weird-ass experiences almost in real-time, and kind of had this musical ‘Oh-there-I-am’ moment, identical to how I felt when I was writing the book.”
Jenny O. presents with a rugged, Midwest girl from next door look - But don’t judge the girl by her clothes. Her image does not offer an accurate preview of the sound Jenny O. brings. Her debut EP, Home, is packed with five songs that reflect the contradictory image she portrays – joyful yet deeply affected, familiar yet unique. The catchy hooks that back Jenny O.’s sweet vocals lull you into believing this is just another string of 5 flippant pop songs – but the lyrical underpinnings of Jenny O.’s songs are strikingly emotional.
Show curated by Chloe Roth.